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作者: 日期:2018年08月23日 00:00 来源:   关注:

8月22日上午,加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学Punnen教授应邀来公司进行学术交流,并作题为“Fleet size planning and schedule optimization for the British Columbia Ferry Services Inc.”的学术报告。报告会在214报告厅举行,由王阳副教授主持。公司青年教师、研究生、职工认真聆听了此次讲座。


(3044am永利集团 撰稿/何拯 尹代强 审核/贾明)


Abraham Punnen is a professor in the department of mathematics at Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada and the founding director of the center for operations research and decision sciences at SFU. He received PhD from IlT Kanpur in 1990 in Operations Research. Prior to joining SFU, he was a professor at the University of New Brunswick, Saint John, Canada. He held visiting appointments at University Colorado, Denver, USA, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA, and Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium under the prestigious CORE Fellowship. He published over 100 papers in major research journals and books, and is well known for the book he edited jointly with G. Gutin on the traveling salesman problem. He holds various research grants from industry and government. supervised many graduate students and post-doctoral fellows, and is currently a member of the NSERC grant evaluation group in civil, environmental, and industrial engineering.


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